Paradise Missed

Price 8.99 - 10.00 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781609111915

Kelly Bradshaw and Nathan Broadway are high school students. Both are the children of loving and devoted Christian families. Kelly and Nathan are good kids, always believing that life is wonderful, especially with hard work and God"s blessings. The night their high school football team wins the state championship, Kelly and Nathan go out on their first and only date. Swept up in the passion of the win, the two act on a whim. The result of that impulse results in Kelly becoming pregnant. No one else ever knows, not even Nathan, as Kelly and her parents decide to quickly and quietly terminate the pregnancy. Years later, Kelly marries and her husband discovers the secret that she has kept to herself for so long. After years of carrying enormous guilt, and with her husband devastated by learning of it, Kelly takes a drive that forever changes the course of her life, on earth and in eternity. In this debut novel, author Tertius takes on the controversial subject of abortion. With candid and raw emotion, his story depicts how the choices one makes, in a moment and in a lifetime, can have unimaginable repercussions. He is currently writing his second book and lives with his family in Monroe, Louisiana. A must read for every teenager, Paradise Missed illustrates many of the temptations faced by today"s young people. Parents, be advised that it contains no profanity, sex, or violence, making it appropriate for adolescents of any age. Publisher"s website: title/ParadiseMissed.html