How I Conquered Diabetes
Diabetes, the "silent killer", is one of the fastest-growing diseases in America; health officials even describe the problem as a true epidemic. And in this era of super-sized meals and hundreds of cable channels to keep us sedentary, we can expect many more Americans to head down this potentially deadly road. Commodities trader Bruce Gould found himself receiving this dreaded diagnosis in January of 2003. With a blood sugar level of 300, he knew he had three choices: begin insulin treatments, take prescription drugs, or work with his physician to come up with a plan for combating his tendency towards being overweight and his high cholesterol numbers. Bruce chose the latter and today his fasting blood sugar ranges from 90 to 110. Bruce shares his personal experiences of conquering this disease; with lists of appropriate and inappropriate foods, charts and graphs of his blood work, and plenty of up-to-date information on Type 2 diabetes, its health affects and how to beat it. Reading this book is like having a conversation with a knowledgeable, trusted friend.