Newnes 68000 Family Pocket Book

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780750603096

The 68000 family of microprocessors was first officially announced in July 1979. At its launch, the 68000 was heralded as "a break away from the past!". Since then, over 30 million processors from the 68000 series have found their way into such diverse equipment as home computers, scientific workstations, laser printers, CAD/CAM systems, process controllers, and UNIX-based super-microcomputers. This data book looks at the various members of the 68000 family and sets out to provide information in a concise form which will be of everyday relevance to anyone concerned with the use of this sophisticated and versatile range of semiconductor devices. The main aim of ths book is that of providing a subset of the information most commonly needed by those involved with the everyday use and application of members of the 68000 family.