The letters of John Hus

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780874710212

This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1904 Excerpt: ...and springs from the further position that character makes office. Cf. Wyclif, De Ecoles. 34, and cf. Doc. 299, 301. At Constance Has tried to defend it by a fine distinction between quoad meritum and quoad offioium (infra, p. 217)The whole position, of course, was absolutely incompatible with Romanism. 2 Henry de Segusia, cardinal of Ostia (d. 1271), was the greatest canonist of the Middle Ages. On his relations with England, see Matt. Paris, Citron. Maj. iv. 33, 286, 351, 353. His work is entitled Summa aurea tuper titulis decreialium (ed. Basel 1573 or Venice 1605). See lib. v. De Penitentiis et Reuiissionibus, § 15, " Papa potest peccare." The decretal "A nobis" is dated May 6, 1199. See RichterFriedberg, Corp. Jw. Canon, ii. 899, and cf. Wyclif, De Xto et Adv. (Polem. Worhs, ii. 676). Hns"s attention to Hostiensis" comment would be drawn by Wyclif"s De Eoclcsia, 522. Wyclif in his Cruoiata calls her "Anna" (Polem. Worhs, ii. 619), nor does he mention "Cestrensis." This again adds weight to the supposition that in this matter Hus was not following Wyclif. See p. 125, ». 2. XXX. To The Same (Without date: end of April (f) 14131) Worshipful lord rector, reverend father and master! I do not believe that the schism of the people can be lulled to sleep: for Christ"s prophecy must needs be fulfilled, Who came not to send peace, but a sword, to separate father from son and mother from daughter, etc.2 The prophecy of Paul also saith that the son of iniquity shall not be accomplished unless there came a schism first.3 As to the disgrace of the king and his kingdom,4 what matters it to us, if the king is good, and provided at least some of his subjects are good? Christ in His earthly course suffered deep disgrace along with His elect, to whom He said: T...