Go, Tell It on the Mountain: Three Christmas Pageants for Church Schools
Price 19.87 - 27.69 USD
Here are three different Christmas pageants complete with music, staging directions, scenery and costume suggestions, plus pointers about how to organize your event. The pageants are for grades K-8, but one also calls for adults and teens. The first pageant is a traditional Nativity play with carols; the second is an adaptation in verse in the style of medieval mystery plays; and the third is a dramatized service of lessons and carols with Eucharist. Some churches adopt one pageant as an annual production; others try a different one each year. Pageant 1: “Good News of Great Joy” – This is the simplest pageant in concept and uses the Isaiah text of the prophecies with scenes of the Annunciation, the arrival at Bethlehem, the shepherds, and the Magi. It is intended to replace the sermon or Liturgy of the Word, or stand alone. Pageant 2 “A Child of Might” – This production is based on medieval “mystery plays” with static staging that is easier than in pageant 1. However it doe use archaic English and requires memorization. It does not include the Magi, but introduces several characters not usually found in other pageants. Pageant 3 “People, Look East” – This version presents a dramatized service of Lessons and Carols for Advent and Christmas. It features nine scripture readings, each followed by a carol or hymn (with performance options). Children mime the readings. It is intended to be an entire Sunday liturgy (includes communion).