An Inquiry Into the Life, Writings, and Character, of the Reverend Doctor William Guild, with Some Strictures Upon Spalding"s Account of Him, and of

Price 13.34 - 14.34 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781235678790

This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1799. Excerpt: ... " H HAVE often thought," says a celebrated writer, " that there has rarely pas" sed a life, of which a judicious and " faithful narrative would not be useful." In this sentiment, many will entirely agree; and, of those who have formed an opinion somewhat different, few will refuse to acknowledge, that the page of BiograB phy, phy, as a. record of those who have merited the honours of a lasting name, is too seldom devoted to the lives of Literary Men. It is full of the intrigues of Courtiers, the schemes of Statesmen, and the exploits of Warriours; while it rarely celebrates the researches of the Philosopher, or the humble labours of the Divine. Yet he, whose life, however devoid of varied incident, has been spent in extending the boundaries of Science, or the empire of Truth, is surely more worthy to be had in remembrance, than the minions of Princes, or the cruel ravagers of countries. Whatever has any reference to the life and character of such a man, will be acceptable and interesting to those, who admire genius, or who love virtue. Even the the simple record of his name and parentage; the education he received; the station he occupied; and the benevolence he i displayed; will be gratifying to posterity, while there remains, in human society, any reverence for the memory of its brightest ornaments, and most estimable friends. The reverend Divine, of whom my inquiry has traced the following Memoirs, was the son, and, it seems probable, the only son, of an eminent artificer in Aberdeen. He had three sisters, (Jean, Christian, and Margaret) two of whom survived him, and succeeded to a part of his estate. Jean was married to David Anderson of Finzeauch, celebrated in the Statistical Account of Aberdeen, as so eminent for his Philosophical knowledge and abi...