Virgin Sails
Price 13.99 - 20.99 USD
2013 album of the year contender "Virgin Sails" showcases SATAN"S HOST in blazing Satanic fury, delivering a Hellish opus of new Metal standards! With Harry Conklin surpassing all prior vocal performances, Black-Axe master Patrick Evil and the solid back bone of drummer Anthony Evil Hobbit and bassist Margar, SATAN"S HOST unleash another Metal Classic. The ride from the opening track "Cor Malifecus", to the Samhainish "Reanimated Anomalies", to title track and epic closer, "Virgin Sails" proves US Metal Titans and Power Metal legends SATAN"S HOST have earned their deserved place in Heavy Metal History! SATAN"S HOST Power Black Metal only gets Stronger and more enduring through their 25+ year carer!!!