Conversion Tables: Subject Headings LC and Dewey, Volume 3
Price 51.28 USD
The latest edition of a cataloging classic, Conversion Tables, 3rd edition includes the 22nd edition of the Dewey Decimal Classification, as well as almost one thousand additional sets of class numbers and corresponding Library of Congress subject headings. Whether used to fill in missing classification numbers or reclassify an entire collection from one class schedule to another, this three volume work offers an affordable and highly effective guide to conversion.This classic cataloging tool has been updated to include the 22nd edition of the Dewey Decimal Classification, as well as almost one thousand additional sets of class numbers and corresponding Library of Congress subject headings. As with the previous edition, it is arranged in three sections: LC to Dewey, Dewey to LC, and LC subject headings to both. Thus, each volume contains the same list of classifications in the two systems and their corresponding subject headings, but are simply arranged differently. Whether used to fill in missing classification numbers or reclassify an entire collection from one class schedule to another, Scott"s Conversion Tables work offers an affordable and highly effective guide to conversion. And will save copy catalogers everywhere countless hours of searching to boot!