The Second Mile (The Pippa Hunnechurch Mystery Series #2)

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780805425581

Brand Broadman Pr

Pippa Hunnechurch’s life is back on track after seven years of living away from God. But her newly reignited faith is about to be tested. Pippa, a corporate headhunter, hears from one of her placements, Barry Goodwin, that he is unhappy with his job. Not taking his concerns too seriously, Pippa gives him a pep talk and encourages him to hang in there. Two days later, Goodwin commits suicide in his apartment. Shocked and fearing she did not go the second mile in placing this candidate, Pippa launches her own investigation into what has happened. Dismayed, she tries to drop out of her Christian fellowship, but her church small group will not let her give up on herself or God that easily. Pippa’s persistence turns up what she feared all along. Goodwin did not commit suicide; he was murdered. But who would want him murdered and would smear Pippa’s reputation to cover it up? Pippa’s research uncovers a web of conspiracy and intrigue at the company Goodwin so desperately wanted to leave.