Ordinary Heroes: Untold Stories from the Falklands Campaign

Price 21.95 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780752457147

We would like to express our sincere apologies for this clear mistake. However, sadly as the author passed away during the production of the book we were unable to verify the source of the image and the caption and final image had been wrongly matched, so that the colourisation of the berets was rendered incorrectly, as you have noted. After the book was sent to press, we had identified the mistake and have now rectified it for future printings. We hope that this will not mar your appreciation of what is a superb collection of extraordinary stories from these Falklands heroes. In 1982, 8,000 miles from home, in a harsh environment and without the newest and most sophisticated equipment, the numerically inferior British Task Force defeated the Argentinian forces occupying the Falkland Islands and recaptured this far-flung outpost of what was once an empire. It was a much-needed triumph for Margaret Thatcher"s government and for Britain. Many books have been published on the Falklands War, some offering accounts from participants in it. But this is the first one only to include interviews with the ordinary seamen, marines, soldiers and airmen who achieved that victory, as well as those whose contribution is often overlooked - the merchant seaman who crewed ships taken up from trade, the NAAFI personnel who supplied the all-important treats that kept spirits up, the Hong Kong Chinese laundrymen who were aboard every warship. Published to mark the thirtieth anniversary of the conflict, this is the story of what "Britain"s last colonial war" was really like.