The Face Food Bento Book
Christopher D Salyers’s first two Face Food books, were the first English-language books dedicated to the Japanese phenomenon of charaben (character bento), which entails parents (usually mothers) converting meals served in bentos, traditional Japanese lunch boxes, into recognizable characters from anime, manga, movies, and other elements of popular culture. The Face Food Bento Book continues to explore this fascinating aspect of Japanese food culture and invites you to answer the question, “Can my lunch be nutritious, delicious, and kawaii (cute) all at once?" If you’re eating the bentos displayed in this book, then the answer is yes.  Praise for the Face Food series:  “Face Food is dripping with the enthusiasm and awe of an outsider who can’t quite imagine his own mother going to the same arduous lengths.” âGRAFIK  “Seeing Spiderman’s face sculpted out of sushi rice and nori or Super Mario made from fish cakes reminded me that even if you’re not sculpting taro Pokemons there is an art to being a mom.” âFADER