Amulets, Talismans, and Magical Jewelry: A Way to the Unseen, Ever-Present, Almighty God

Price 24.23 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780892541171

Brand Nicolas-Hays

What little treasure do you wear or keep in your pocket or bag that you have to have with you all the time? Why does it make you feel good, lucky, or safe? Find out here! Barbara Black Koltuv takes you on a journey of understanding---a virtual treasure hunt for amulets, talismans, and magical jewelry. Lavishly illustrated in full color, this book holds a valuable cache of intriguing images and information about the creation, use, and meaning of amulets, talismans, and magical jewelry. Learn what they have done for generations of spiritual seekers. The Second Commandment of the Old Testament forbids the making of idols to represent God. Nevertheless, we have always needed a direct and personal connection to the divine. A way is provided in Exodus, when God says, Make a sanctuary for me and I will come to dwell among you. God then gives instructions for building the Ark of the Covenant---the first tribal amulet, not yet personal, but a way for God to be present with us. From there, amulets, talismans, and magical jewelry evolved to provide a personal connection to God. Koltuv’s love of Hebrew scripture flows through her fascinating collection of pictures and biblical stories that explains the use of and need for sacred objects that affirm this personal connection. You’ll be dazzled and entranced by the array contained here: glass beads for protection against the evil eye; the mezuzah found on door frames; the hamsa, or five-fingered hand; engraved pendants and precious tiny boxes containing special prayers; Aaron’s breastplate; the knots on the prayer shawl and the teffilin; henna hand and foot painting; amulets from the Sefer Raziel that protect newborn infants from evil forces; and much more. When you open this book, you open yourself to a new awareness of the magical objects surrounding us in everyday life and religious practice, as well as to a healing spiritual connection!