The Perfect Package: How to Add Value Through Graphic Design

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781592530120

A visual presentation of 25 graphic design projects in which the design has created a perceived value for the product that is more valued than the product itself, this title examines in detail the design elements that make these products and services desirable to the consumer, illustrating why and how these designs stand out against the competition. Each project boasts selected graphics, marketing or packaging so unique and so different that they have taken on a life of their own, apart from the products they were designed to contain or promote. They have become iconic in the hearts of the consumer. Projects analyzed include: Joe Boxer, SAP, the Iomega ZIP drive, Campbell"s soup, Fossil watches, IKEA, Nabisco AnimalCrackers, Volkswagen"s New Beetle and Absolut vodka, amongst others. In-depth text, complete with sidebars, delves into why these designs work, and how the design elements enhance the desirability of each project featured.