Hodder Mathematics Intermediate 1 (Bk. 1)

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780340803738

This text is a carefully planned, clearly structured course specially written for OCR"s GCSE Mathematics B (MEI). There are two textbooks for each tier, one for each of the MEI modules. The textbooks present mathematics in familiar contexts, encouraging students to relate to the subject and to explore the concepts they meet by asking questions. Skills as well as knowledge are emphasised throughout. Students will benefit from this practical and active approach. Endorsed by OCR for use with GCSE Mathematics Specification B (MEI), "Hodder Mathematics Intermediate Textbook 1" is in full colour and is written in double-page spreads of teaching material and practice questions with activities. The maths is conveyed through real-life applications and contexts. At the end of each chapter there is a summary of key points and a mixed exercise "Intermediate 1"s" approach is in line with the philosophy of the National Numeracy Strategy and students should benefit from the stimulating and relevant activities, clear and careful explanations, graded questions for each topic and mixed exercises for each chapter.