Hasselblad Way (Camera Way Books)

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780240509884

Brand Focal Press

Before Wildi"s The Hasselblad Manual came on the scene and the various editions became the bible for Hasselblad users, there was Freytag"s The Hasselblad Way. This tome covers the use of and accessories for the Hasselblad SLRs and SWCs of the 50s, 60s and 70s. This book is a good place to start if you are trying to use one of the olders Hasselblad cameras with the older C type lenses and accessories. For one example, this book explains which ends of the dual cable release go to which end on the old style bellows. Now I can reliable get the lens shutter and the camera shutter working in the proper sequence for macro work. There are many little nuggets like this that no longer have a place with the more modern focus of the newer books. So if you have a 500 or 2000 series Hasselblad camera, this book can help you utilize all the potential of those cameras better.