Elmex Sensitive Toothpaste 75ml - 3 Tubes

Price 18.25 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 4007965507137

Manufacture CP GABA GmbH

Prevention of dentine caries: Due to the surface activity and the slightly acidic pH, amine fluoride promotes the formation of a well-adhering calcium fluoride layer that protects the tooth against acid attacks and stimulates remineralisation.Prevention of abrasion: Due to the special abrasive system elmex SENSITIVE toothpaste cleans thoroughly but gently and prevents the soft dentine from excessive abrasion.Desensitation: Due to the well-adhering calcium fluoride layer that is formed by amine fluoride, the open dentine tubules are occluded. This effect is supported by the special abrasive. External stimuli that may cause pain such as hot, cold or sweet can no longer penetrate and pain sensation is lastingly prevented