Goodbye Good Girl : Letting Go of THE RULES and Taking Back Your Self

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781572241060

Good Girls aim to please. And they know all the rules--the rules that dictate what"s becoming for a woman to be and do and what"s unacceptable. Good girls usually also have a pretty accurate sense of exactly how much it costs them to live up to those rules and be just as beautiful and sucessful and supportive and unthreatening as all daughters and wives and mothers and career women are supposed to be.The women whose stories are told in this book are pioneers who cahllenged the old rules and found the freedom to rediscover themselves. Some has experiences that transformed them and gave them the courage to revise an old self-image or let go of an unrealistic fantasy and just be themselves. Others sought out opportunities for change, and still others were faced with an unexpected crisis that forced them to make a break with their former lives.Meeting the dozens of women they interviewed for the book confirmed what the authors learned from their own experience; it may be scary to challenge the rules, but the results can be astonishing, inspiring, and well worth the struggle.