Animal Souls: Chay Nephesh
Price 16.96 USD
The Animal Souls Series is "pure gold," comprehensive, non-conformist and paradigm shattering. My research has gained over 28 fantastic pre-publication reviews from professors, editors of magazines, lawyers, psychical researchers, authors, international animal charities and famous animal organizations, international mediums and members of instrumental trans-communication teams (scientists who record visual and auditory manifestations and communications from the so called deceased after they have made their transitions after physical death to the non-physical realms) in Brazil and Spain. Author Bio: My books contain the results of my research conducted as a spiritual historian and comparatist of religion and psychical researcher. My books are the result of decades of theoretical and observational research delving into original religious teachings, the broad spectrum of psychical research and the fascinating multifaceted workings of mediumship providing evidence of survival after physical death for all animals, human and non-human. My writings represent the culmination of a unique blend of religious-historical, archaeological and psychical research into little chartered territories. Living in Scotland, UK, I am dedicated to my research as an author and spiritual historian. I have worked as a lecturer, student counsellor and teacher of world religions. I am a psychic, psychical researcher with dissertations on shamanism, out of body experiences and near death experiences and consciousness studies proving the authenticity of spiritually transformative mediumistic experiences. My supervisor was Rev. Dr. Pat. Fenske, who has held many presidential positions, including that of former president of the International Association of Near Death Studies, Inc., USA (IANDS.) I have raised funds for animal charities and am a committed, long-term vegetarian as a result of my mediumistic and psychic experiences. keywords: Animals, Jesus, Confucius, Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism, Ancient Greek Philosophers, Souls, Life After Death