Arcadia T8 42" 38w Tropical Tube
Price 38.17 USD
Original Tropical Lamp Accentuates reds and blues Optimum light for photosynthesis Promotes plant growth It is not possible for fluorescent lamps to exactly replicate sunlight which covers all areas of the spectrum at very high levels of output. Most lamps can actually achieve only a very small proportion of this light output across a part of the spectrum. Arcadia have identified the precise parts of the spectrum that are necessary for specific aspects of fishkeeping and have produced a series of lamps with spectral distributions designed to fulfil these requirements and optimise the available light output in these areas. The Arcadia Original Tropical lamp is designed specifically to bring out the red and blue peaks of natural daylight that are necessary for photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the process of putting together by means of light two simple substances carbon dioxide and water to form carbohydrates the basic food of all living organisms and to release oxyge