The Incarnate God (Mowbray Lent Book)
Price 15.35 USD
The Incarnate God is a new book by John. V. Taylor and is a follow up to his The Easter God. Here, Taylor sets out God"s incarnation in Jesus and his interaction with the world.The Christian doctrine of the Incarnation affirms that the eternal Son of God took human flesh from his human Mother and that the historical Christ is at once fully God and fully man. It was the genius of John V. Taylor to apply this profound theological truth to the realities of modern men and women - to show that the doctrine was not some theological abstraction or the result of some intellectual pirouetting.The Incarnation is a truth to be experienced - the redeeming love of God is the key to God"s saving love towards human beings and their world. Here Bishop Taylor shows the reality of this paradox. He had the rare gift of interpreting extremely profound truths with clarity and simplicity.