Price 2.18 USD
Scars: the effects of Post Traumatic Stress on Family, Relationships and Work. "The rapid-fire format of this work is much like an automatic weapon, but this weapon does not spit out metal rounds, it discharges love, understanding and compassion. I know from first-hand experience that survival is not won from our own efforts, it is won in collaboration with family, friends and professionals who care, and with the love of God that is always present, but not always sought out. This book will inspire those who suffer PTS and their loved ones to take the steps necessary to get better. It will also help the rest of us to better understand our responsibility for those we send off to war and who then return filled with experiences and scars that will forever shape them. I know I would have benefited from this book if I had read it after my return from Vietnam over 40 years ago. The military that teaches soldiers how to kill failed to later teach us how to live. It is good that the situation is changing for our returning warriors. Perhaps this book will cause that change to quicken even more. I hope so for the lives of those scarred by PTS. The healing process is extremely slow, is never complete, and can be painful for all involved. This book will be a source of healing for many." - John A. Riherd, First Lieutenant, U.S. Army, Vietnam, Bronze Star Medal recipient "SCARS captures vivid emotions, events and people realistically. We hold our troops in our hearts, and our imaginations carry us along in compassion and prayer. This story gives a real picture of real people...all the stuff of their hearts, their pain and suffering, the endurance, the anger, the horror, the support team in the war zone and at home. A great read, but oh so painful and yet so hopeful." -Mary Sue Richen, M.A., Catholic Chaplain "This multi-perspective story portrays the impact of combat on hearts and minds with painful realism. Here we learn to pray as we think of the suffering our soldiers, their families and loved ones endure under the strain and scars of war." - Paula Liddell, MSN, Senior Performance Consultant, Northwest Permanente