Counting for Something in Mental Health Services: Effective User Feedback

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781856284776

Brand Avebury

In recent years there has been increasing concern in public services about how to involve consumers. In "Counting for Something" the editors have collected diverse views on the powerful pressure for change within mental health services. Whilst the rhetoric supporting user involvement often presents it as a straightforward project, here a variety of voices speak with honesty and passion about the reality of the process. Contributions include a critical review of the methods of consumer feedback, different quality assurance systems which endeavour to include users, reflections from service users on their experience of being involved, professionals talking about the complexities they face in taking consumer involvement seriously and strategies for change available to purchasers, managers, organizational consultants, trainers and pressure groups. Throughout this collection the challenges and benefits of user involvement are presented with the aim of making the commitment to more respectful and empowering services a reality.