Consumer transactions (University casebook series)

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780882771106

An ideal casebook for students in consumer transactions courses. It contains extensive and systematic coverage of the federal and state statutes that govern such consumer transactions as automobile sales and finance, home mortgages, predatory lending, and others. The text makes frequent use of problems as a teaching device.Highlights of the Fifth Edition:Reorganization and expansion of the chapter on the Fair Credit Reporting Act, reflecting recent amendments imposing obligations on creditorsExpanded treatment of predatory loansNew material on mortgage brokers and on securitization of credit contractsExpansion of material on mandatory arbitration clauses, odometer regulation, and telemarketingAdditional material on foreign law and perspectivesNew problems throughout the book, exploring recent judicial developmentsFour new cases.To maintain the size of the casebook, judicious deletion of selected materials (