Looking Good from the Inside Out

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780800758240

Looking beautiful is something teenage girls desperately desire. Without inner beauty, however, outer beauty is meaningless. In this detailed book on the how-to"s of makeup application, Tammy Bennett shows teens how to find a winning combination of inner and outer beauty. Beginning with practical information for girls about caring for their bodies, Looking Good from the Inside Out then helps girls take the guesswork out of choosing and applying the correct makeup-including foundation, concealer, blush, eyeliner, eye shadow, mascara, lipstick, and powder-that will enhance their physical attractiveness. Next, in a conversational, girl-to-girl style, Tammy offers encouraging tips from her heart about top teen issues such as dating, friendship, peer pressure, honesty, and pride. Through the step-by-step process of applying makeup, Tammy explains the parallels of deepening a relationship with God. Parents who want their teenage daughters to focus on more than just outer beauty will find this book is a practical, appealing way to share spiritual guidance with their daughters. Teenage girls will love Looking Good from the Inside Out because it addresses the issues of inner and outer beauty that concern them the most! Tammy Bennett"s background in design, fashion, cosmetics, television, and modeling has served as a springboard for her writing and speaking. She frequently speaks on topics such as "My Clamor for Glamour" and "Ridiculous Beauty Rituals" as well as speaking specifically to young girls (including her own teenage daughter!) on the subject of enhancing beauty.