Dear Jean : What They Don"t Teach You at the Water Cooler

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780963411037

Whether its co-worker crazies, pouty personnel, or bad boss blues, "Dear Jean: What They Don"t Teach You At The Water Cooler" has the answers! In a lively, approachable question and answer format, Jean Kelley, America"s Workplace Coach answers actual questions submitted to her throughout her 20+ years of owning a successful, staffing and consulting firm. The sneak peek DEAR JEAN gives you into the lives of people in the office, will make you laugh out loud, and more importantly, it will make you think.No rocks in the road are left unexposed. From the death of a co-worker"s child to the not-so-secret office affair, Jean"s answers take touching, informative, and humorous turns. She strides fearlessly through the workplace addressing the multitude of challenges every working person faces -- too often alone. Working from both sides of the desk, Jean Kelley guides her readers into new avenues of self-expression, interaction, and communication between co-workers, employees, and bosses.