The Making of Manchester
Price 15.30 USD
"The Making of Manchester", is the first book of the new and fascinating series by Wharncliffe Books. As part of this series, it is not intended to be a complete study of Manchester"s history, but instead it is designed to be a concise history of the significant changes and times of the city through the ages. "The Making of Manchester", is a very apt title, for Manchester has made and re-made itself through the centuries. From the Roman settlement and fort of Mancunium, to the Medieval town, made famous by the De Grelley family amongst others. It has witnessed hostile forces, during the English Civil Wars and the rising of the Jacobites. Yet Manchester changed its image come the Industrial Revolution, becoming Cottonpolis, and the centre of the canal and railway network. And yet although there was employment there was hardship too, something that was only rectified during the twentieth century. Have a transitional journey through the ages, from the Romans to the present day, as you read "The Making of Manchester".