
EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780786866809

Fourteen-year-old Ellis is getting ready to leave the Southwest for a boarding school in the East. This means leaving behind his mother, and the only real father figure he has ever known, Goat Man. Goat Man has done more for Ellis than giving him his first bong hit. He has maintained a home on Ellis"s mom"s property rent-free since Ellis was a child, taking care of small tasks and raising a herd of goats-all the while teaching Ellis the meaning of stability, caretaking and commitment.While Ellis is in boarding school, making the grade while staying (mostly) high, Goat Man rehearses for a journey he and Ellis will take during Ellis"s spring break, across the border with his pet goats. When they embark on their cross-desert trek, they are forced to reevaluate a relationship they thought was the only thing that would never change in their crazy lives.Hilarious and intimate, Goats challenges the conventional idea of family and home, while drawing us deeper into Ellis"s journey into manhood. Mark Jude Poirier has an uncanny gift for chronicling the human condition and bringing to life a varied yet dispassionate landscape.