Native American Dance: Ceremonies and Social Traditions

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781563730214

The enthralling scope of Native American dance - from the Fancy dancers of the powwow circuit and the traditional keepers of sacred Indian ceremonies to the comtemporary flourishes of modern Indian choreographers - is explored in this enlightening collection of essays by leading native and non-native scholars and practitioners of dance in the Indian community. Perhaps the most indigenous of American art forms, native dance has a rich history stretching back to prehistoric times. Most often religious in nature, and inseparable from accompanying music, Native American dance has not only served to keep native cultures alive and thriving, but to promote intertribal communication as well. A gathering of prominent voices, all marked by their passion for the dance, along with a wealth of illustrations (including nearly 200 in full color), gives this book a creative spirit grounded in authoritative scholarship. The premier publication of the Smithsonian Institution"s new National Museum of the American Indian, Native American Dance promises to be the landmark book on the subject for many years to come.