Pneumatic and Hydraulic Systems

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780750638364

A wide range of college courses including Advanced GNVQ, HNC/D and City & Guilds certificates demand a knowledge of pneumatics in relation to control systems. Students studying PLCs, for instance, may not have the background in pneumatics needed to put their knowledge to work in practical applications. This book has been written to cover these courses, and in particular the Advanced GNVQ unit in Hydraulics and Pneumatics. It is also suitable for first year degree modules, and will provide a useful grounding in the subject for any engineer requiring an understanding of pneumatic and hydraulic control systems. Bill Bolton has written this book as an introduction to the basic principles of pneumatics and hydraulics, system components and their application in control systems, the main emphasis being on pneumatics. The text is designed for students and is ideal for courses with an element of independent study, with numerous worked examples and problems (answers supplied) provided throughout the book. A genuine textbook in a field dominated by professional books Ideal for first year degree modules Full coverage of Advanced GNVQ Unit: Hydraulics and Pneumatics