The Barley and the Rose: Volume VI of The Glastonbury Chronicles (Volume 6)

Price 22.46 - 32.62 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781936922475

Something was not right. Britannia had all but healed from the revolution which had almost destroyed both Land and People. The Sidhe had returned to their ancient homeland, technology was slowly being restored and all should have been at peace, yet even the Land knew something was amiss. When Arthur stepped upon the stone to receive the Crown the Land cried out in more than ancient proclamation that this was the True King. It screamed! Almost as alarming as the temblor that devastated New Glastonbury was the news which Dubhghall brought his King: signals were being aimed at the far side of the planet, signals from beyond the three moons of Britannia, signals which seemed to mean an invasion. Could the Sidhe protect them, or was this the enemy from which they too had fled, an enemy whose very presence could lead to the end of all life? Throughout the Glastonbury Chronicles, Hendrick has shown that she deeply understands the purpose and passion of the ancient king sacrifce, the royal blood that restores the fertility of the land, better than anyone I’ve ever seen since Mary Renault. More than that, she makes you feel both the pain and the heady joy of ful lling that destiny through the King and his Knight, this time unabashedly called Arthur and Gareth. A great adventure and a satisfying end. Maggie Secara, author of "The Dragon Ring" and "Molly September"