How to Understand the Book of Jeremiah
Price 15.77 USD
Jeremiah was an eye-witness of the fall of the kingdom of Judah to the Babylonians, a process which extended from 598 to 586 B.C. During his forty-year-long ministry he chronicled major world events. But more importantly, he cried repentance to a nation which was wallowing in corruption. From his writing we learn important lessons about how God deals with man and what is expected of us here on earth. Jeremiah also made sweeping prophecies of last-days events, and we learn much of what is yet future from his writings. An invaluable addition to any LDS library, this book includes a detailed presentation of Jeremiah"s life, times and ministry, including scriptural information about him, and about the contemporary kings of his time, and about the national conditions that prevailed. Also included is an outline of the Book of Jeremiah itself, information about the style of the book, its textual transmission, the date of auhorship, textual criticism, detailed doctrinal analyses, changes made in the Inspired Version, and an overall summary. A listing and ordering of Jreemiah"s prophecies about the last days is presented. Jeremiah is believed to be the author of the book of Lamentations, which is also covered in this valuable book.