Lake And Stream Game Fishing: A Practical Book On The Popular Fresh-Water Game Fish, The Tackle Necessary And How To Use It

LAKE AND STREAM GAME FISHING - A Practical Book on the Popular Fresh-Water, Game Fish, the Tackle Necessary and How to Use It - BY DIXIE CARROLL - 1919 - PREFACE - In writing this book of fish, fishing, tackle and how to use it, as well as incidental remarks on equipment it is not the intention of the writer to set it up on a pinnacle as a hollier than thou book. Opinions on tackIe and the method of using it are varied and at times wonderful. There are purists in every angle of the sport and by each method of angling the purist in that particular line wiIl swear by the nine gods and at times swear at and other methods. I have never allied myself to any one particular part of angling. I can have equally as much enjoy- ment from tossing the plug, live bait or feathery fly. As Iong as it is fishing in a sportsman-like manner with line, rod and reel and playing the fish until it comes up to the net or gaff, white-side up, I consider the game true sport and worthy of just con- sideration. As to the methods of angling and the handling of tackle advocated herein, they are the methods that I have found to be successful from actual experiences of my own or from the experiences of other fisher- men with tvhorn I have cast and whipped lake and stream. As to the information on the habits and peculiari- ties of the different game fish, this I have accumulated since my early fishing days passed an the Potomac and its tributaries, and from close association with keen guides and woodsmen of the North Woods country. I feel that the fishing game is on the verge of becoming the most popular of out-doors sports and it can be made so, not only for the present day, but for the years to come, if the fishermen will follow the creed of the American Anglers League of which I have the honor of being president. This creed follows and I earnestly hope fishermen will burn this thought into their memory and in time................