The Teaching Of Modern Foreign Languages And The Training Of Teachers

The Teaching Of Modern Foreign Languages And The Training Of Teachers. PREFACE. The paper on the teaching of modern foreign languages, was first read, in the Lent Term of I 895, to the students of the Cambridge Training College for Women Teachers and was twice repeated, with but a few alterations, in subsequent years. It was also read, by the request of the Syndicate, to the students attending the Cambridge University Extension Courses in August 1896. The lectures were originalIy intended to form an Introduction to some criticism lessons of modern language lessons given by the students of the Training College, and the principles set forth in the lectures were at once practically applied in the detailed criticism of the lessons heard. The lectures were intended to be above all suggestive and stimulating, but no attempt could be made to discuss in full the viervs either of the old school of language teachers and examiners who are hostile to any reform or of some modern extremists. A few slight alterations were introduced and some references to recent literature on the subject added when the lectures were revised for the Press, but, apart from these exceptions, they are substantially printed as they were first written in the Christmas Vacation of I 894. A paper on the Training of Teachers of Modern Foreign Languages, read in April 1894 to the College of Preceptors printed in May 1894....