The Lenape And Their Legends, With The Complete Text And Symbols Of The Walam Olum
Price 27.59 - 52.50 USD
The Lenape And Their Legends, With The Complete Text And Symbols Of The Walam Olum. PREFACE. In the present volume I have grouped a series of ethnological studies of the Indians of Eastern Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Maryland, around what is asserted to be one of the most curious records of ancient American history. For a long time this record, or Red Score-was supposed to have been lost. Having obtained the original text complete about a year ago, I printed a few copies and sent them to several educated native Delawares with a request for aid in its transhtion and opinions on its authenticity. The results will be found in the following pages. The interest in the subject thus excited prompted me to a general review of our knowledge of the Lenape or Dela wares, their history and traditions, their language and customs. This disclosed the existence of a number of things not mentioned in bibliographies...