The Tudor Venturers

By Richard Hakluyt - THE TUDOR VENTURERS - selected from The principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffic and Discoveries of the English Nation, make by Sea or Over Land and edited by JOHN HAMPDEN - CONTENTS - Epistle Dedicatory. Richnrd Hakluyyt. Willianl Hawkins reaches Brazil, 1530, 1532. Richard Haklzlyt. The New Found Land, 1536. Rihard Hcrklyt. A voyage to the Levant, 1550 Kogr Bodenam. The first voyage to Guinea and Renin, 1553. Anonymous. Richard Chancellor in Russia, 1553. Clement Adams. John Hawkins first voyage to the Spanish Main, 1562. Anonymous. The Hattle of San Juan, 1568. jobn Hawkins. A powder-makers adventures, 156830. Job IIortop. Travelling in New Spain, 1572. Henry I-laks. Oxenharns raid on Ianatna, 1576. Lopez rnz. Frobishers first voyage to the North-west, 1576. George Rest. The captivity of John Foxe, 1563-77. Anonyrous. An embassy to Morocco, 1577. Edrnund Hognn. A voyage to India, 1579. Thonius Stenens. Drakes voyage round the world, 1577-80. Avzonymous. A trip to Jerusalem, 1581. Laurence Aldersty. An embassy to the Great Turk, 1582. Anonymous. The discovery of Virginia, 1584. ilrthur Barlome. The escape of the Primrose, 158.5. Anonymous. Three voyages to the North-west, 1585-7. John Dnnis. The fourth voyage to Virginia, 1587. Aonymour. Drakes raid on Cadiz, 1587. Anonymous. The Invincible Armada, 1588. Enanuel vna Meteran. A voyage to Renin, I 588. Antboy Ingram. In the Straits of Magellan, 1589. Willzaw iMngoths. A fight with galleys, 1591. Awofiymous. Lancasters voyage to the East Indies, 1591-4. Kzcbard Ifakluyt. The last fight of the Revenge, 1591. Szr Walter Rnleth. Glossary Index............