Locomotive Breakdowns, Emergencies And Their Remedies; An Up-To Date Catechism ..
Price 27.98 - 53.20 USD
Locomotive Breakdowns, Emergencies And Their Remedies - An Up-To Date Catechism - 1908 - PREFACE TO FIFTH REVlSED AND ENLARGED EDITION. - This collection of remedies for emergency Locomotive work is not original and newly devised by the author, or it would not be applicable to presently existing conditions and circumstances. The value of technical-instruction books is in the fact that they represent the results of practical application and tests of theories, and in compiling this work the only originality involved has been in convention with the revision of the present edition authorities differ as to the best methods of dealing with certain troubles, and this book presents the latcst ideas on those subjects, embodying the methods pursued by practical enginemen, and indorsed and..............