Learning Xamarin Studio
Price 35.99 - 76.50 USD
Learn how to build high-performance native applications using the power of Xamarin Studio Who This Book Is ForThis book is intended for .NET developers with any level of experience and who are interested in building native applications without the hassle of becoming Objective-C or Java experts. Although it will be beneficial to have some development experience, particularly in .NET, Learning Xamarin help even a novice developer get past the headaches of setting up and customizing their new development environment so they can move on to producing high-quality native applications quickly.About This BookGet a full introduction to the key features and components of the Xamarin 3 IDE and framework, including Xamarin.Forms and iOS visual designerInstall, integrate and utilise Xamarin Studio with the tools required for building amazing cross-platform applications for iOS and AndroidCreate, test, and deploy apps for your business and for the app store In Detail Xamarin Studio is the premier cross-platform development tool for .NET. Using this Xamarin 3 IDE, you can create high-performance native applications for iOS, Android, and Mac using the same .NET features and tools you are already familiar and comfortable with.Often the most frustrating part of beginning to work with a new tool or workflow is the process of simply getting started. Whether you are brand new to .NET development, or a veteran of the framework, Learning Xamarin Studio will help you get your cross-platform development environment up and running smoothly and quickly. Starting with selecting the right Xamarin license for you and your organization, this book will cover how to install Xamarin Studio, integrate the necessary third-party tools, explain the features and tools provided by the IDE, and walk through developing, testing, and deploying applications.