Landscape Planning For Small Homes
Price 24.36 - 51.10 USD
LANDSCAPE PLANNING FOR SMALL HOMES - By E. G. DAVIS - CHAPTER I - WHAT IS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE - When a group of persons see parks being graded and planted, or a neighbws yard being Iaid out, one will say that it is landscape gardening, another calls it landscape architecture, and still anothcr rcmarks that it is fine gardening. Is it possible that any one of these terms means the same to all three persons, or to othcrs A florist may think of landscape gardening in terms of bedding-out plants and of round m square beds cut out of the lawn. A gardener or horticulturist my have visions of hardy-perennial flower borders. An architect perhaps looks for terraces, balustrades, and formal gardcns, and if these be wanting he feels but little concerned. Others may expect ample lawns scattered over with fine-trees and shrubs. If the man who is Iaying out the park is asked what he calls himcclf, he may say he is a gardener, or a florist, or a contractor or it may be that he styles himself a landscape gardener or a garden architect. However, this will depend upon circumstanccs. He may be a very succesful man in a small territory, as in a suburb of a large city, or even in several adjoining cities. Perhaps he has adopted the title of the mm from whom he learned the rudiments of his profession, or from the custom of the school at which he prepared himself. But whatever the circumstances with respect to any individual among the multitude cIaiming to be of this profession, one finds little uniformity in the kind of work they do, in the scope of their...........