The Kitchen Companion

INTRODUCTION - THE PLEASURES OF THE TABLE VERSUS. To My Readers Looking down the long vista of nearly half a century with eyes that have retained their keen vision of Feminine Artistry and Glistatory Skill, the most vivid impression which remains is that Simplicity is, and always will be, the crowning success of both. But, let us understand each other. Simplicity neither means wearing the same hat and when it is tired having it touched up, nor does it mean serving the same joints and when they are cold having them rehashed. Simplicity does not mean monotony, nor does it mean plainness. Simplicity in Cookery does nut mean those monotonous meals which invariably remind you of the day of the week and prompt abysmally bored husbands to stray. Here, Simplicity signifies Good Taste and is used as a contrast to Complication-an even worse devil than dullness. The object of this book is to give you somc of my pet creations which have their charm because they are simple We shall, as much as possible, avoid dishes which arc difficult to make and ifieult to eat but we shall produce a variety of meals of which we will be proud. If, sometimes, J say in the fbllowing pages Add one glass of white wine, please do not be alarmed Cooking wine it means, and cooking wine is no more expensive than a good beer-and far less than vinegar. I must, however, give you a gentle warning-which for that matter applies to everything we do. At Cookery, you must take a real interest and have a little patience. And after all is the result not worth it Think of the pleasure it gives you to wear a simple but smart new hat. Why Because it becomes you, and also because it tells the world that you have good taste. And with simple but expert Cookery, the same. Because it tells on your health and your looks, and also because it tells your family and friends that you are a splendid cook and a connoisseur, besides giving you and they the Pleasures of the Table. Let us seek these Pleasures of the Table within.