Quantum Outlaws

Travel though space and through dimensions of space, and see what the future may have to offer, as well as the terrible perils that could lie ahead for those who may seek to abuse its power. Author, Dr. Stanley Friedman will take you on this perilous journey filled with action and excitement as his Quantum Outlaws attempt a rescue from Oblivion. But exactly where is Oblivion, and how does one get there? And why are Professor AU and his son missing? And to where have they gone? If you have ever thought about time travel, travel through space or travel through space and time, or even how to cure global warming and what real space and time means, then you will love this book, and this is an adventure you won"t forget! Find out how Dr. Au and his son, Edward, created the Keppi, a device that would change the world; and find out what mistake old Dr. Wilder, the mathematician, made. Dr. Stanley Friedman is a world renown musician and writer with a great imagination who is able to take the theories of Einstein and others and make them come to life. This is a book that will get you thinking about many things as protagonists Sylvia and Fred make a big rescue, and as they remind us all the universe is ours! Or is it? And can a cat be both dead and alive all at the same time?