Cling Peaches

Take a walk though a magical time where nothing is as it should be and yet everything is as it is supposed to be. Author, Neil Preston has created a modern day "Alice In Wonderland" that is both entertaining and fun as it plays in the recesses of your mind. A great escape on a rainy day, and a good book to read at the beach on a summer day, this book is filled to the brim with a host of fabulous characters that show what can happen when 5,000 Bulgarian joggers simultaneously lose their left training shoes in a park, causing an imbalance in the joggers and in the world as we know it. Neil Preston (1959-present) was born on the Wirral, England, to a Scottish father and English mother. He lived in North Wales from 1966 until leaving to live in Chester in 1984. He left to live in Menston, Yorkshire for 3 years before returning to Chester where he remained since 1994. Cling Peaches is his first book, written in Chester, Menston and while travelling in America. Neil is also a songwriter, musician, artist and a photographer when he is not working at the day job as an IT Consultant/Application Developer. This is the Perfect book for readers of all ages who want to both challenge their minds and be entertained at the same time. The vocabulary play on words is especially fun and challenging. So read and explore as you begin your journey with Cling Peaches.