Literature Of South Dakota
Price 9.95 - 9.97 USD
Literature Of South Dakota. PREFACE The History of South Dakota has been written, at various times, during the past twenty years, separately, by Armstrong, Robinson, Kerr, Bachelder, Foster, Ransom, Kingsbury and Smith the Civics, by Smith and Young, Ross, Johnson, and Ransom the GeoIogy, by Todd, 0"Harra, and Perisho the Geography, by Beadle, Perisho and Visher a History, by titles, of the published books of the state has been made by Robinson in Historical Reports, and a similar list has been compiled by Kerr. But the Literature, proper, of the state has never been written. The nearest approach to it is a book of Dakota Rhymes, compiled by WenzIaff and Burleigh but, as suggested by the title, their book contains verse only, while, as a matter of fact, much of our best literature and many of our ablest writers are found wholly in the field of prose. However, they deserve great credit for collecting the material for their book, otherwise many of our best poetical productions might have been lost forever. The compilation of this book has necessitated hundreds of written communications and thousands of miles of travel. It covers a period of thirty-five years, and it took eleven years to collect it. In the First Edition of a work of this kind, there will, of necessity, be errors of ommission and errors of corn mission however, patience and tolerance are invoked. The next Edition will be perfected, as far as possible. Many of our pioneer writers are dead others have scattered across the continent few remain. To collect their photographs, their biographies and their literary productions and then to classify this material and decide what is really worth preserving as Literature for Literature, proper, presupposes meril has entailed an amount of work that the reader of this volume can never know. Over 2,000 poems were read and rejected, in addition to those that have been herein preserved. About 100 speeches, covering a great variety of subjects, were colIected from old newspaper files and other sources. These were read and carefully sifted in selecting the material for the last chapter of the book. What has been kept herein of both poetry and prose has been retained to show the authors stule or else because it seemed to have some special value. However, if the book, itself, merits consideration at the hands of the public, my efforts will not have been in vain. To all those who assisted me, I hereby acknowledge my profoundest gratitude...