Andromeda and Other Poems

Price 6.95 - 9.10 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781409780779

Brand Codman Press

Pages 164

Year of production 2008

This book contains a wonderful collection of some of Charles Kingsley’s most charming poetry, including: Andromeda, Hypotheses, The Weird Lady, Hypochondriacæ, Trehill Well, In an Illuminated Missal, and many more. The perfect addition for any discerning collector of poetry, Andromeda And Other Poems is a delightful example of Kingsley’s writing prowess and constitutes a must-have for any collector of his works. Charles Kingsley was a priest, a university professor, historian, and novelist, most famous for his works: Hypatia (1853), Westward Ho! (1855), and Hereward the Wake (1865). This scarce antiquarian book has been selected for its cultural value and is proudly republished here with an introductory biography of the author.