Madame Pantalon

Madame Pantalon - 1904 - By Paul De Kock - CONTENTS - CHAPTER I Two Friends. Captain de Vabeaupont and His Cabin Boy ........... CHAPTER I1 The Wedding Dinner. The Ball ..... CHAPTER I11 Sixteen Months Later. Madame Pantalon Declares Herself .......... CHAPTER IV Chou-chous Escapades. A Serious Resolutiol . CHAPTER V The Independents on Their Journey. Choice of a Uniform ........... The Rural Guard CHAPTER V1 .......... CHAPTER V11 Great Works. The Ladies Establish a Journal . CHAPTER V111 FAGP Madame Vespuces Novel and How She Read It WithoutInterruption . 1 7 CHAPTER IX A Challenge. An Invalid, A Military Promenade 209 CHAPTER X Lundi-Gras as Cook. A Case to Defend . . 227 CHAPTER XI A Water Party. Fouillac as a Speculator. A Wild Boar Hunt . . . . . . . . . . 260 CHAPTER XI1 News of Fouillac. Where Woman Always Re- turnstoHerTrueNature . . . . . . 290