One Incredible Moment Listening CD
50 MinutesIn one incredible moment, God reunited Creator and created. With the birth of Christ, His perfect plan appeared in the flesh, becoming the cornerstone of man"s redemption. Genevox proudly presents One Incredible Moment, in which the emotion-filled writing of Max Lucado is woven with music crafted by the inimitable Tom Fettke to illuminate the people and events - the extraordinary moments - of the night Christ was born. This musical is designed for choirs of varying sizes. Production options are flexible; detailed production notes are included to assist you in several modifications.Titles: One Incredible Moment (Opening); Majesty in the Midst of the Mundane; Joseph: From One Father to Another; Mary"s Prayer; Angels; No Ordinary Night; Shepherds: The Meek Were Kneeling; Simeon: Wide-eyed and Watching; Wise Men: Following the Star; One Incredible Moment (Finale)