Buddhism (Teach Yourself)

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 340802685, 9780340802687

This text is part of the "Teach Yourself World Faiths" series. The book offers a basis for understanding Buddhism. The series aims to present information for readers with no prior knowledge of the religion, but who want to deal confidently with members of the faith community - both in terms of their beliefs and attitudes, and also the practical details of their culture, ceremonies, diet and moral views. The book is suitable for the general reader, and also for students seeking a broad understanding of the religion prior to embarking on more detailed academic work. Buddhism has many varied forms which are now present in the West and which are growing in their variety as Buddhism adapts to its growing global presence and new cultural environments. Originally Buddhism was a religion that developed from its founder, Siddharta Gautama, in India over 2500 years ago. In the 21st century it is a tradition influenced by its passage throughout Asia and now by its entry into Europe, Australasia and North America. Examine that historical journey for yourself focusing also on its value in the contemporary world and the persistent relevance of its teachings. The reader can discover: the Buddha and his teachings; the diversity of Buddhism; Buddhist values and practices; and the relevance of Buddhism in the modern world.