Duty Elsewhere

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780312222802

Adam Cooke had been a mobster, a hoodlum, a notorious villain and thug. He had been dead and buried for three years - until Detective Inspector Lyle caught sight of a man who had to be Adam Cooke, artificial leg and all. Lyle did not believe in ghosts. He reported what he"d seen to his superiors, and they in turn decided that his extraordinary case called for extraordinary measures. They formed a commando group, a small group of selected policemen willing to risk their jobs, their pensions, and even their lives during the course of a special operation. As they swing into action against Adam Cooke and his cronies, John Wainwright tells a pulse-pounding tale that graphically and realistically portrays the methods and mentality of a hardened criminal gang - a tale that again proves Wainwright a master of his art.