Lone Wolf: Fire on the Water (Lone Wolf Gamebook)

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781905850662

You are Lone Wolf - last of the Kai Lords. Bitter War rages through your homeland as the evil Darklords of the west lay siege to the capital. FIRE ON THE WATER The King has sent you on a desperate journey to retrieve the only power in Magnamund that can save your people: the Sommerswerd, the sword of the sun. Ahead of lie terrible dangers - ferocious seastorms, the tunnel of Tarnalin and the ghostly death-hulks of Vonotar the Traitor. Use your skills wisely - for only you can save your land from the devastation of the Darklords. The LONE WOLF adventures are a unique interactive fantasy series - each episode can be played separately or you can combine them all to create a fantastic role-playing epic.