Middle East Record: 1961
The politics and international relations of the countries of the Middle East are meticulously recorded in this series. This survey of political developments in the Middle East is the only reference work of its kind and is more comprehensive than any publication in its field. The Middle East Record is a fully documented chronological record, arranged according to topics, and based on extensive research. In compiling MER, more than two hundred newspapers, periodicals, and official publications in Middle Eastern and other languages are regularly scanned, many additional publications are consulted, and great care is taken to present all relevant viewpoints on every question. The aim of this work is to present the facts in full detail and from the widest possible variety of sources. The material is presented under four categories: • A record of political developments in the region, comprising quoted material only, and including interpretations of these developments and comment from within the area. • A presentation of political thought and ideological developments as they evolved during the year under review, against the background of the major conceptual trends in the area. • An assessment of great power policies as interpreted by the powers and by Middle Eastern regimes. • Factual summaries of the above categories, correlating the different aspects and outlining the patterns of developments, while refraining from making judgements. Many topics are presented in maps and tables. Extensive background notes, cross-references, and indexes have been included. The area covered extends to Turkey in the north, Iran in the east, the UAR in the west, and the Republic of South Yemen in the south. Future volumes will also include Libya and Sudan. In presenting the material, emphasis is laid on the dynamic aspect. The MER is not an almanac reflecting a static picture; it is a record of change, flux, and movement.