What Did I Look Like When I Was a Baby?

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780399235955

When Michael asks his mom this question, he"s told he looked just like his grandpa--bald and wrinkly. Far away in the jungle, a baboon asks as well, prompting a hippo, a leopard, and other animals all over the world to ask the same question. They each get an amusing and simple answer until a bullfrog is about to ask his mom and she says, "Son, don"t even ask." Seeing a picture of himself as a tadpole sends this young bullfrog into a tizzy that is sure to elicit fits of laughter from children and adults who"ve doubted they were ever that person in their baby pictures. The book includes an original song that describes the transformation all frogs go through (reassuring the troubled bullfrog), and kids can search the artwork for hints to which animal will be asking this universal question next.